
Numbers 1–20: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Numbers—from the numbering or census of the people in the opening chapters—is a much-neglected part of the Torah, the five books of Moses, which constitutes the heart of Holy Scriptures for Jews, while also forming an integral part of the Bible for Christians. The book of Numbers is an account of the young would-be nation of Israel’s wanderings in the Wilderness after the magnificent...

because of the complicated interaction of the documentary sources comprising Numbers. It seemed reasonable to program the break after Numbers 20, because at that point the Israelites had left Kadesh, or were about to do so, according to the chronology informing all of the literary sources. Numbers 21 begins the documentation of the Israelite advance through Transjordan that eventually brought them to the Plains of Moab, across the Jordan from Jericho. In its textual makeup, Numbers is the most diverse
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